5 Quick Hacks to Creating More Balance in Life & Biz

Mother and wife and business owner, OH MY! It’s full plate 24/7. Sometimes it’s very overwhelming trying to balance or better yet juggle them all. I feel guilty closing my door and telling my girls not to disturb me because I’m busy working on something. There have been times I looked at my calendar and realized my husband and I haven’t been on a date in two months. And there have been times when I review my time tracker for the week and I’m missing what should have been dedicated hours in my business. It’s the life of a busy BOSS. But over the years I have learned ways to create more balance in my life & business. 

First, notice I said MORE balance. There is no way you will ever be able to simultaneously balance all these things. There are times when one is going to require a little more attention than the other. My goal is always not to neglect any aspect; family, marriage or business. So, I am going to share my 5 quick hacks to creating more balance in life & biz. Here we go: 

  • PLAN. This is my number one tip for sanity and success because planning is everything. Plan quality time with your family, date nights with your spouse or significant other. Plan your business tasks. Create your daily to-dos and get them done first. 
  • SET BUSINESS HOURS. Now, this seems simple but you would be surprised at how many people do not have set business hours. You’re so busy being a Hustler, trying to build or grow your business that you’re spending hours 10-12 hours working everyday. STOP IT! Set a time to be finished with business, not just the time you stop working with clients but a time when you STOP all things business related. Put it away! Don’t take your laptop to bed to finish one last thing. Be done until tomorrow; the work will still be there. Trust me. 
  • SELF CARE. Take time for yourself. “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Taking time to renew yourself is crucial. Whether it’s reading, getting a massage, exercise or taking a staycation at a hotel for the weekend (I REALLY love this one), you have to recharge. Exhaustion leads to grumpiness, health issues and stifles creativity. Before, you know it you’re snapping at the kids or spending twice as much time writing that email sequence because your brain and your body are burned out. 
  • DELEGATE. Start delegating daily tasks. My mantra is “Real bosses delegate.” As a business owner it is important that you work ON your business more than your work in it. Build a team and delegate routine tasks. Take a look at the non-income generating tasks or those things you hate doing so you keep throwing them at the bottom of your to-dos and hire someone to complete them for you. 
  • AUTOMATE YOUR BUSINESS. This! Implementing automation strategies in your business will literally have you making money in your sleep. Most repetitive tasks like email, appointments and social media can be automated. Creating things like and sales funnels allow your customers to keep buying and/or working with you whether you are on the clock or on vacation. 

Which tip are you going to implement first? Let me know. I would love to hear from you. If you need help creating a strategy to delegate and build a team or you are ready to build some dope automated systems in your business schedule a consultation with me. I’m ready to help you reclaim your time!