Business Tips

Leave the Trends And Do You

Have you ever fallen down the rabbit hole of social media and trends I’m your business? More specifically have you taken in so much content through social media and emails from your favorite experts or monthly business reads that you felt you were doing it all wrong and needed to follow their path?

3 Ways to Flip Your Stimulus Check

stimulus check

If this pandemic has taught us anything it should be that relying on one source of income can leave you stuck, unemployed, in debt and without a plan. Create an additional source of income with a side business or even what can become a full time business. Evaluate your skills and talents and find a way to monetize them. What gifts have you been sitting on that can generate you income?

5 Quick Hacks to Creating More Balance in Life & Biz

There is no way you will ever be able to simultaneously balance all these things. There are times when one is going to require a little more attention than the other. My goal is always not to neglect any aspect; family, marriage or business. So, I am going to share my 5 quick hacks to creating more balance in life & biz.